9/11: Scratching the Surface

This September 11th marks 22 years since the attacks on the World Trade Center towers 1 & 2, The Pentagon, and United Flight 93, which was assumed to be headed for The White House. While some of the most famous “Conspiracy Theories” (a term invented by the CIA) surround those attacks, Americans have been conditioned to just accept what our government and media have reported. However, do you remember the reports on the military operation ‘Vigilant Guardian’ that was also being conducted the morning of September 11, 2001? Neither do we. Below is a link to the documentary series ‘Loose Change’ which we encourage everyone to watch. This is not about debunking facts, and more about recognizing patterns. What happens after a crisis? Why did Americans so willingly to give up their rights to privacy via the Patriot Act? Why did Americans comply with lockdowns during the Covid? What will they ask us to give up next?


Cloak of Discomfort


A Republic, If You Can Keep It.